What is it you plan to do with your one, wild and precious life?

For me, I plan to work differently, live more intentionally and love more radically. That’s what I write about here. I’ll also share transformative stories and inspirational excerpts from great books that will help us on the journey.

Join me in this radical pursuit of the true, the good and the beautiful. I send one (yes ONE!) email per month. Click here to join the pursuit!.

About me

matt-2015My name is Matthew Warner. I’m a 35 year old engineer-turned-entrepreneur, Texan and Aggie with a beautiful wife and 4 kids that I do not deserve. I also wrote Messy & Foolish: How to make a mess, be a fool and evangelize the world.

I’m on a mission to live a more radical life. Please consider joining in. I could use the support.

If you need to reach me, you can email me at matt@MatthewWarner.me. And if you want to follow along with anything I’m writing or doing, just jump on the email list below.